Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas in the bedroom.

The banister going upstairs, he is pretty cute. Just a little suggestion, I have every bit of my Christmas up Thanksgiving day-because nothing makes me more thankful then having that done! Then I can start right in on the important stuff, like baking and hanging out with my family. I used to start after Thanksgiving but then I lost a week of December decorating-not good! Give it a try next year, I think you will like it!

Down in my moms Christmas stash, I found a box labeled, "Dickens". In it I found a treasure of Dickens ornaments! So I decorated my tree in my room with them. 

There were about six big Santa's with a Dickens scene painted on them.

I was reading a Paula Dean magazine years ago where she said she all ways put a tree in her room so she could escape and enjoy it at night, I stared that year doing one in my room and it is all ways my most appreciated tree.

This poor old tree has to be about 15 years old. It is so old that we pulled off all the lights and had to re-string it!

I even decorated my bathroom. My poor husband! He is so good to put up with me, I know it drives him crazy, but he lets me do it any way. I love him!

Well there it is! My favorite room of all.... Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous master suite! It definitely deserves a tree. And love that bath!!!!
